Not Bad.
Good music and good syncing, though some of them are just pointlessly hard. I mean The Pharaoh's Tomb is just - impossible, literally. And I can do the rest of the Master levels. But that one's just literally a BLOCKADE of objects with no escape. Speaking of escape, sometimes I get away with touching the sides of something - or are those my eyes playing tricks? Anywho, this is still a good game.
But now the worst and possibly only other flaw. The Game Over voice. OH MY GOD SHOOT ME, if you're playing a harder level. On my first few tries it constantly Ga-Ga-Ga-Ga-Gaaaame Over...Try I choose Replay several times. It is so annoying, it is worthy of taking away 3 stars from your possible 10. Really.
Other than that though, I had a good time playing this.